Assistance Systems

How artificial intelligence can help people in need of care

Our participation in the research project "Dein Haus" (your house) helps the elderly

Around 3.7 million people are already dependent on care today - in ten years' time, it is expected that this number will rise to 4.6 million. The gap is widening from year to year: More and more nursing patients are lacking nursing staff. Artificial intelligence therefore also has great potential here, for example in the form of assistance systems.

This is why we are working together with the Technical University of Deggendorf (THD) on the research project "Dein Haus": The scientists want to figure out how sensors and technical aids in the house can support older people in their everyday lives. Voice-controlled assistants, for example, switch devices on and off. Sensors detect a fall and call for help.

The research project is part of the professorship "Sensor-based AI systems in nursing" at the THD. The scientists want to use artificial intelligence to translate data from different sources into action proposals for nursing staff, relatives and nursing patients.

In general, digital assistance systems should help to create an exemplary living environment for people in need of help and care. This is why the Bavarian Ministry of Health is funding the THD study, which has already equipped several model apartments with them. Starting next year, the university plans to look for several dozen senior citizens who want to participate in the project and test the technology in their everyday lives.

Do you want to exchange ideas?

I am good at bringing the right people together for the right projects. My Health Hour every other Friday is attended by health pioneers, creative people, pharmaceutical experts, scientists and more. Together we look for solutions to make people's lives better.

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