We love meeting people with the same mindset and working together on great projects!
If you have the feeling that we could fit together well - get in touch!

Our team

Daniel Veit – Coming soon

Remote Work

Even the "brand eins" was interested in us

It was clear to us very early on that good people only work for us if we offer them the best possible conditions. And by that we don't mean the kicker and the weekly fruit salad.

That's why Antonella developed (and, of course, programmed) "Lorenz Suite" more than ten years ago - our own planning system, which we used to introduce a new work culture: Nobody in our teams should be burnt out, overburdened, overworked, and we don't really like to see overtime either. We value freedom and a high quality of life ourselves. And we know that our employees tick in the same way.

Long before we introduced Remote Work (and still we were years ahead...), we set up our own system. So that we could deliver to our customers quickly and on time, while maintaining a productive work culture. The "brand eins" found this so interesting that they made a portrait of Antonella - you can find the article here.

Do you want to exchange ideas?

I am good at bringing the right people together for the right projects. My Health Hour every other Friday is attended by health pioneers, creative people, pharmaceutical experts, scientists and more. Together we look for solutions to make people's lives better.

Be there, every second Friday, on Zoom. Just write me a short mail and I will send you the access data.


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