Medical Apps: Consulting and development

Wir begleiten dich von der Idee bis zur fertigen medizinischen App


We believe that due to technical innovations and a change in society's attitude towards digitalization, now is exactly the right time for Health- and Medical Apps .

Medical apps assist doctors and patients and have become part of our everyday life as medical devices.

Nowadays, doctors can prescribe medical apps like physical drugs if they have a positive effect on an illness.

A constant monitoring of our heart rate without complex equipment?
A quick consultation with the pediatrician because the child was injured by a jellyfish in the Maldives?

What was considered science fiction for my father has now become very simple thanks to Smart Watches and other technologies

Medicine is already digital!

Advantages for you

  • You define your success factors with us. We pursue these together: we are one team!
  • Du sparst dir Zeit und Geld. Alle Beteiligten wissen immer Bescheid: Denn wir ziehen an einem Strang!
  • Your customer is the hero in our story: We always remember it!
  • Right from the start you build on a software platform with many functionalities: we work together with strong partners!
  • Secure approval of DiGA applications!

Let us together make the world a better place!


a terrible disease, has shown how much more potential there is to be tapped in the field of digital health.
Together we can tackle this!

You have an idea in the health or medical field?

You have medical know-how and want to improve people's health sustainably?

Then we should get to know each other, because our mission is to bring your idea to the world.

No matter if you work in a pharmaceutical company, in a health insurance company, in a clinic or in a Medtec company, if you want to establish a start-up or if you want to tackle a new business model as an established manufacturer:

If you have an idea how you can improve the lives of others, then get in touch with us!

We have the same goal.

What we offer you:

  • Medical Apps developed according to the regulatory requirements of the EU
  • Branding and communication, software and legal advice all in one package
  • Development of medical devices or medical apps that are not medical devices



From idea to concept

With Antonella you can talk about your idea for an application. Even if you don't know exactly how you want to help patients or doctors, you can contact her. She collects and structures all information and assists you in developing a clear picture. Where do you stand? Is your application a medical device? She will guide you through our 3 x 3 process to turn your idea into a feasible concept.

Shining eyes

Amelie is responsible for your shining eyes. You will get them when you see how your app grows and develops and how your requirements are implemented.

After all, the app was your baby before it became our common vision. We want your customers to have shining eyes when they use your app. Doctors and patients should feel a real relief and become true fans of your products.

Focus on the user

Your user should be enthusiastic about your product. Erik has this in mind. As a design thinking specialist he helps us to focus on your target groups. User wishes and needs as well as user-oriented development are the primary focus. With structured and goal-oriented moderation, he ensures that all workshops pay off optimally on your desired goals.

Your app needs space to grow

Pascal knows how to find your customers and how to approach them in a way that makes them want to try out your app and stick with it.
An attractive brand, top design and data-driven marketing lead to growth!

He has already turned several brands in the healthcare sector into champions and therefore knows what is important. As an expert in marketing and branding, he has been part of the team right from the start.

Passion for technology

Boris schenkt dir während der Entwicklung seine ganze Leidenschaft und Kompetenz, damit deine App robust, intuitiv und sicher funktioniert. Er verwendet die modernste Technologie für die Entwicklung deiner Software, damit deine Nutzer zu wahren Fans deiner Produkte werden, denn die Software ist das Herzstück deines Produkts.

Without trust your app is worth nothing

Teresa knows that your clients trust you very much. After all, medical devices are all about sensitive data. That's why she watches over the quality of your app. She makes sure that the life cycle of your app is in accordance with the EN IEC 62304 standard. She has already passed several CSV supplier audits for software and can guarantee that your app is developed according to GMP standards and receives possible FDA approval.

The power of stories

Sigrid knows that you need good stories to get something stuck in people's minds. That's how you win the support of customers, stakeholders and fellow campaigners.

The easier and at the same time more interesting the introduction to a new topic is, the more interest the topic arouses. The best way to do this is to get people excited about a basic need: the desire for stories that explain connections in an understandable way.

A true challenge: The law

Thadeus Paul is the man of the law and is well versed in the medical field: He focuses on the regulations for medical devices. What are you allowed to do? What are you not allowed to do? How can we reach our goal most efficiently?

He will help you to document the software according to standards. He will provide clarity whether your app is a medical device or not.

This way we make sure that your app is compliant from the very beginning.

Our 3x3

3 days - Your idea

During the first three days we dive into your idea together. We develop a common understanding and examine your idea from all angles. Your vision becomes visible and tangible for us.

3 weeks - Your prototype

That's how long we need to develop a first prototype. Your vision has become a visible concept, not yet fully functional, but you can already communicate with it. We celebrate this step, because now your idea can be experienced for the first time in the real world.

3 months - Your MVP

After three months there is a big celebration. Your product is here! The MVP (minimal viable product) can stand its ground on the market. It is still slimmed down, but with real customer feedback it will develop in exactly the right direction.

Agile it continues - Your story of success

Now we are really on the move. Our team has found itself and mastered the first challenges. We have a common language, the right customers and we have all the tools to understand how your product should develop.

So let's tackle new challenges together!


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