Let me guess.

You are full of ideas, energetic and think
that health is pretty much the most important thing in life?

And that much more could be achieved with intelligent technology?

I am Antonella Lorenz.
I am an IT entrepreneur and I bring

IT professionals
and all other makers

together, to help people get better health.


Gesundheit braucht gute Ideen

Maybe you have ideas on how to help many patients with one app. Maybe you feel underchallenged as a developer and want to do something really useful. Maybe you are looking for a software that your clinic can use to optimize its processes. Then you've come to the right place.

You want to make a difference, otherwise you would not be here. You want to try something new, improve something that already exists, develop ideas with people who have similar ideas.

You already have certain ideas and an entrepreneurial spirit.

And now...

  • you think about how your idea can turn into a product
  • you are looking for support because your company needs customized software
  • you would love to work with like-minded people from all over the world and do something meaningful

You want the health care of tomorrow to be better.

You want to use your knowledge and your expertise to improve the quality of life of people.

Are you ready to take the next step - and maybe even start from scratch?

But you won't get anywhere alone. You would need some good sparring partners.

Great. We match.

I am Antonella Lorenz and I contribute with ideas and intelligent solutions to make tomorrow's healthcare better.

Why did I choose health care as my theme?

It all started more than ten years ago. I had been self-employed for more than ten years now and have done many IT projects for corporations with my company. (I am also corporate socialized, in case you are wondering).

I always liked developing projects and programming. I taught myself programming when I had just arrived in Germany after studying philosophy in Italy. My husband and I took the train to Munich to buy a computer - we returned by cab, with the trunk lid open... that's how huge computers were back then.

Our company got great projects, and yet I still had the feeling of being underchallenged more and more often.

This is how we got married in Italy at the late 80's

I felt that technology alone is not the solution. In my mind software and IT are great when they improve people's lives.

In 2005 we developed a digital "Arztbrief" (patient file) , for which we won the Bavarian Online Award - a good ten years, mind you, before the electronic patient file came along.

A year later, the Siemens Betriebskrankenkasse (SBK) commissioned us to develop a major prevention program to help people get more exercise again. The "10,000 Steps Program" became so successful, that SBK decided to lengthen it.


And then my 90-year-old father had to go to hospital because he fell and broke his upper leg. From one moment to the next he was a nursing case. And it was up to me to organize the care. Problem: My father was in Italy, I was in Germany... and in the middle of a project.

Because I have a vast network, I managed to get my father well taken care of within a day and from afar, long before I was able to visit him.

During this time I have experienced how important health and good health care are.

And I realized that it is precisely in this sector that I want to contribute to making people's lives better.

This has brought our company another big step forward.

FDA approval is currently underway in the USA for a radiopharmaceutical, for which we have made the software for logistics and production. We organize barcamps on health topics, programmed a fact checker during the corona crisis and are involved in a very great app that helps stroke patients in rehabilitation treatment.

For the next three years, I will focus even more on health. Because I believe that in the health sector intelligent technology can bring the most benefit to the individual.

And because I know from experience that a time limit is usually helpful: work expands like rubber to the time available. If you have five years, you need five years for it. If you only have three years - you can do it in three years. Parkinson's Law.

What else I also learned in the past 25 years as an entrepreneur: You can achieve more with swarm intelligence. That is why I have made this the principle of my work. (The fact that I am Italian and learned from an early age to trust networks better than the state certainly has something to do with it).

I'm good at bringing the most diverse people together to develop ideas collectively. To create visions, set up processes, work out business models... and to realize good ideas together.

You think we should bundle our energy? Contact me. Health is a team effort.


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